+9647812222298    Al Mansoor, Baghdad, Iraq  [email protected]



Multiple Modulas in one system

Our Systems

Document Management System

(DMS) automates the process of managing the organization’s documents (incoming and outgoing) both for internal and external sources based on international document management standards and best practices.

Archiving Management System

(AMS) deals with documents, mostly the backlog documents and archives, from any type of sources (either paper or non-paper) within the organization where the system is used to electronically capture, store, search, retrieve, and preview documents, as well as managing the physical location of the documents.

Human Capital Management

(HCMS) automates and manages all employee related processes and procedures. It is a comprehensive personnel management solution comprised of fully integrated applications that cover day-to-day administrative and personnel management processes.

Meeting Management System

(MMS) facilitate the management of information related to committee/board meetings, special events such as visits and conferences with guests/delegates from partner or visiting organizations.

Select from a number of ready-made ERP industry templates and reduce implementation costs and time

Integrated ERP Solutions for Your Industry

Companies in all industries have realized the value of ERP+CRM working together for companywide automation and information. Cloud ERP maximizes benefits and minimizes IT costs

Education ERP Template

Construction & Real Estate ERP Template

Integrated Payroll and Retail Management ERP